Friday, September 21, 2018

Game 17 Richard Malaschitz vs. me 1/23/16 Little Golem

The theme of this game is the Knight's Move. Well, that and how I missed a mate in one twice in a row.

1. g1-e3 h6xe3

The same first move as last game...

2. d8-b6

...however, black counterattacks this time.


While e3xb6 would have worked, this move limits the options on black's pieces at e1 and f1, while maintaining an attack on b6.

3. b1-b4 a2-c2
4. b8-b5

An attempt at a wall. Better to prepare b8-b5 with f6-e5 first.

5. c8-c5 c2xc5
6. e8-e5 h4-e4
7. f1-c4 h6-e6

The e6 piece is now a knight's move away from the piece on c5, which allows for connections on d5 and d6. In fact there are 2 more knight's moves, 1 for red (e4 and c5) and one for black )c4 and e5). It's obvious that the d4, d5 and d6 squares are going to be very important from here on out.

During my first run through of this game, I thought that red's piece at e6 could be attacked by the move g8-g7 or d1-b3 followed by g8-g7, but red can save it in both situations (one by capturing d4 with it.)

8. d1-b3 h7-f5
9. f8-d8 h5-g4
10. e5-d4



11.d4xd7 e3-e7???

a6-d6, ya moron!!

12. d7-d5 a6-d6


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Game 16 As vs. me 1/12/16 Little Golem

Black unfortunately gave away too many pieces in the opening. While it means less piece to connect, black's position was ruined. 

1. g1-e3 h6xe3
If c1xe3, h3xe3

2. f1-d3 h4-f4
3. d1-d4 a4xd4
4. e1-c3 a5xc3
5. b1-e4


A mistake on my part. h7xe4 would have begun an isolation of the d3 pieces.

6. e4xh7

With this move, I assume that my opponent is trying for a connection on the north side of the board.

7. d3-g6

This move confirms my suspicions, and in fact my last move helped black out. Still, it's going to be tough to move the c1 piece up the board.

8. h7-e4

Blocking the move a4-e4.

9. g6-d3

I originally had a question mark for this move, but now I see I had a mate in 1 that black was trying to stop.

10. e8-c6 a4xc6#

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Game 15 - Me vs Dragon Jr 1/12/16 Goldtoken

1. c8-c6 a7-c5

In other openings, this would be a gift, but I moved the only piece that could safely capture it.

2. b8-b6 a3-d6
3. e8-e6

I don't know what the hell my strategy was in this game. It seems like I was just developing my northern pieces without regards to the position.

4. f8-f6 h4-f4
5. g8-d5

Two tenuous connections.

6. f1xf4 a2xd5
7. d1xd5 a6-b5
8. c1-c4?

This allows the next move. While I recapture, I separate a stone that was previously connected.

9. f6xf4 h7-f5

10. e1-e4?

I should have been looking for a way to attack red's pieces at c5, d6 or e5.

11. g1-g3?

11. g1-e1 would have lost to ...h2-h3, 12. e1xe5 h3xe6

12. Resigns

I couldn't parry both h3-h4 and h3xe6.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Game 14 - Clark94 vs me 1/5/16 Super Duper Games

Another game where the d4 square is key.

1. d1-b3 a4-c4

When someone tries to block my position in the opening, I immediately try to escape. This move prevents my a4 piece from being blocked in by black's b1-b4. However, this is a blunder.

2. b8-b5 a5-c3

Another escape move, almost as bad as the last.

3. c8xc4 h5-f7
4. b1-b4

e1xc3 would establish a base and put my piece at a3 in a difficult position. (...a3-c5 4. c3xc5 or ...a3xc1 4. g1xc1)

5. c1-e3


With this move, red initiates a fight for the control of d4

6. g1-d4 h4xd4
7. f1-d1 a7-d7
8. e8-e5 a6-c6
9. d8-e7 c6-d5
10. b5xd7 h6-f4
11. d7-f5 d5-d2?

This allows black to connect over the top with f5-d5 and I have no immediate counter-attack.

12. d1-e2

Black decides to occupy the e file instead.

13. e7-f6 h3xf5

14. f6-g6?

Allows the winning move. The game would have continued with e1xe5.
