Friday, September 21, 2018

Game 17 Richard Malaschitz vs. me 1/23/16 Little Golem

The theme of this game is the Knight's Move. Well, that and how I missed a mate in one twice in a row.

1. g1-e3 h6xe3

The same first move as last game...

2. d8-b6

...however, black counterattacks this time.


While e3xb6 would have worked, this move limits the options on black's pieces at e1 and f1, while maintaining an attack on b6.

3. b1-b4 a2-c2
4. b8-b5

An attempt at a wall. Better to prepare b8-b5 with f6-e5 first.

5. c8-c5 c2xc5
6. e8-e5 h4-e4
7. f1-c4 h6-e6

The e6 piece is now a knight's move away from the piece on c5, which allows for connections on d5 and d6. In fact there are 2 more knight's moves, 1 for red (e4 and c5) and one for black )c4 and e5). It's obvious that the d4, d5 and d6 squares are going to be very important from here on out.

During my first run through of this game, I thought that red's piece at e6 could be attacked by the move g8-g7 or d1-b3 followed by g8-g7, but red can save it in both situations (one by capturing d4 with it.)

8. d1-b3 h7-f5
9. f8-d8 h5-g4
10. e5-d4



11.d4xd7 e3-e7???

a6-d6, ya moron!!

12. d7-d5 a6-d6


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