Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Game 15 - Me vs Dragon Jr 1/12/16 Goldtoken

1. c8-c6 a7-c5

In other openings, this would be a gift, but I moved the only piece that could safely capture it.

2. b8-b6 a3-d6
3. e8-e6

I don't know what the hell my strategy was in this game. It seems like I was just developing my northern pieces without regards to the position.

4. f8-f6 h4-f4
5. g8-d5

Two tenuous connections.

6. f1xf4 a2xd5
7. d1xd5 a6-b5
8. c1-c4?

This allows the next move. While I recapture, I separate a stone that was previously connected.

9. f6xf4 h7-f5

10. e1-e4?

I should have been looking for a way to attack red's pieces at c5, d6 or e5.

11. g1-g3?

11. g1-e1 would have lost to ...h2-h3, 12. e1xe5 h3xe6

12. Resigns

I couldn't parry both h3-h4 and h3xe6.

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