Sunday, September 2, 2018

Game 14 - Clark94 vs me 1/5/16 Super Duper Games

Another game where the d4 square is key.

1. d1-b3 a4-c4

When someone tries to block my position in the opening, I immediately try to escape. This move prevents my a4 piece from being blocked in by black's b1-b4. However, this is a blunder.

2. b8-b5 a5-c3

Another escape move, almost as bad as the last.

3. c8xc4 h5-f7
4. b1-b4

e1xc3 would establish a base and put my piece at a3 in a difficult position. (...a3-c5 4. c3xc5 or ...a3xc1 4. g1xc1)

5. c1-e3


With this move, red initiates a fight for the control of d4

6. g1-d4 h4xd4
7. f1-d1 a7-d7
8. e8-e5 a6-c6
9. d8-e7 c6-d5
10. b5xd7 h6-f4
11. d7-f5 d5-d2?

This allows black to connect over the top with f5-d5 and I have no immediate counter-attack.

12. d1-e2

Black decides to occupy the e file instead.

13. e7-f6 h3xf5

14. f6-g6?

Allows the winning move. The game would have continued with e1xe5.


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